See why OpsLevel wins against Cortex every time.

OpsLevel vs. Cortex
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A better developer experience

True developer self-service

Your team can self-serve key operational tasks with our Custom Actions feature giving your platform and SRE team precious time back to do more work that matters. Provisioning infra, creating a PagerDuty service, or rolling back to the last healthy commit is just a click away.

Industry-leading service maturity

Go beyond scorercards with our maturity framework. Taken from years in the trenches, we help teams walk before they run with a graduated approach to maturing your service ownership program.

Decades of expertise at the helm

We've been part of the shift-left movement and watched our teams struggle as they took on more responsibility without more support. Applying decades of first-hand knowledge to our product and ongoing support means you're being guided by experience.

OpsLevel vs. Cortex
OpsLevel vs. Cortex
OpsLevel vs. Cortex
OpsLevel vs. Cortex