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Use Tags to Add Metadata to Services and Repositories

Services and repositories come in many shapes and sizes. You can fully extend OpsLevel’s data model to fit your needs by tagging your services and repositories with key/value pairs. With our Tags feature, OpsLevel can track additional or custom attributes, as well as allow you to search and filter by these attributes.
Adding Tags to Services
You can manually add tags to services by visiting a specific service page, navigating to the Summary tab, and pressing the + Add Tag button in the Tags card.

You will be shown a tag edit field where you can create a tag.

To create a tag, type in the key and value, separated by a ‘:’. Then press Enter.
Adding Tags to Repositories
You can manually add tags to repositories by visiting a specific repository page, and pressing the + Add Tag button in the Tags card.

You will be shown a tag edit field where you can create a tag.

To create a tag, type in the key and value, separated by a ‘:’. Then press Enter.
Tag Limitations
Tags have limitations. We have intentionally imposed stricter limitations on keys and are less strict with values.
Key Limitations
Tag keys have a max length of 255 characters and must start with a letter and only allow alphanumerics, underscores, minuses, periods, and slashes.
Value Limitations
Tag values have a max length of 4 kilobytes and allow all characters, but cannot start or end with an empty space.
Correct Tag Examples: ip_addr:
Incorrect Tag Examples: _environment_:staging (Key must start with a letter)
Viewing Created Service Tags
You can get a general overview of all tags across all services from the service index page under the ‘Tags’ column.

Searching for Services by Tags
Use the search bar to search by tags with specific keys, values, or combination of the two. (If you wish to search only by tag key, be sure to enter a colon “:” after the desired search tag key)
db:mysql => all services containing this exact tag
mysql => all services with tag value of ‘mysql’ (for any key)
db: => all services with a ‘db’ tag key
Note: OpsLevel search functionality searches for services by a variety of criteria (Service name, description, tier, stack, etc). If your search term matches other criteria, you will be shown those results along with the services that have the tag values.
Filtering Services by Tags
To filter services from the services index page, press the ‘Filter’ button at the top.

You will be shown an Edit Filters card where you can select Tag from the Select a service field dropdown.

Once you’ve selected Tag, you can specify which keys and/or values you want to filter your services by.
Searching for Repositories by Tags
From the repositories page you can search for repositories by tags with specific keys, values or combination of the two. (If you wish to search only by tag key, be sure to enter a colon “:” after the desired search tag key)

template:terraform => all repositories containing this exact tag
terraform => all repositories with tag value of terraform (for any key)
template: => all repositories with a template tag key
Frequently Asked Questions
What can tags be used for?
Tags are currently used for adding more information to services and repositories, as well as for searching and filtering on these resources. In the future, tags will be used for running checks on specific services, referencing services and repositories for various integrations, and more.
Do you support single (bare) word tags?
No. We currently only support key/value tags because they have the ability to offer users more insight into their resources than a bare word tag. But, we still realize the value in supporting bare words tags and have them on our future roadmap.
What if I have more questions or suggestions?
Reach out to us by email at info@opslevel.com.