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October Release Notes

AI-generated service descriptions 🤖
OpsLevel’s new AI Assistant can suggest service descriptions based on the contents of your repositories. This helps you complete your catalog faster, and ensures cross-functional team members have access to all of the information they need. Note that this feature is disabled by default for existing customers. Read more about it here or review our trust portal.

Team hierarchies replace Groups 🌲
We’re deprecating Groups in favor of Team hierarchies. Teams can now contain sub-teams and have multiple managers. If you manage teams, this will give you a much richer dashboard, with relevant information about how your teams are doing.
If your organization uses Groups, keep your eyes peeled for instructions on how to complete this migration. Read about it here.
Create Jira issues from campaigns 🎫
The ability to create Jira issues from OpsLevel is no longer limited to checks that live on your maturity rubric. If the Jira integration is installed, you can click into any campaign to create a Jira ticket.

Filter services by Alias 👥
You can now filter by Alias from both the API and UI, making it easier to sort your services for those teams who primarily rely on aliases.

See your services’ maturity progress 🌱
A new progress bar on your dashboard shows how many checks are needed for the service to reach the next maturity level.

Scorecards available in ETL 🏅
You can now export scorecard related data with our ETL. In addition to exporting scorecard checks, you can export two new files: rubrics.csv, which is an export of all the scorecards on your account; and service_stats.csv, where you can look up how each service is performing against a specific scorecard.
Tooling updates 🛠️
You can check out the latest tooling releases at the following links: Go, CLI, Terraform.